Files from CAD programs or plotter drivers can be viewed and printed with the ViewCompanion Standard program. The software enables you to both view and print HPGL, HPGL / 2 and HP – RTL files. Embedded images can be displayed correctly because all of the formats are supported. The ViewCompanion Standard also converts the CAD or plotter files into other file formats, such as to PDF, Postscript, AutoDesk, HP – RTL Raster, Paintbrush PCX, Bitmap and Metafiles, just to mention some of the possibilities.
The Autodesk DWF, SVG and PDF formats are conversions that make it easy to publish drawings on the Internet. By converting HPGL files into the Autodesk DXF format you can then read the files in any common CAD application. The program’s HPGL viewer has many features that make viewing easier. There are, for example, zooming and panning functions that let you accurately see plot files before and that way you can preview before actually plotting.
The files can be seen in full screen and can be rotated in 90 degree increments, flipped or mirrored. Footers and headers can be added to the prints and that enables you to add the date, scale, time and filename. You can scale prints or have the file fitted to paper.